Trapezium Fracture

  • Rare fracture - approximately ~1% of all carpal fractures
  • Often occurs from axial loading mechanism to the 1st metacarpal or wrist
  • Vast majority of these fractures can be immobilized in an thumb spica splint and discharged with orthopaedic follow up

  • Mechanism
    • Axial loading of the thumb
    • Axial loading of the wrist
  • Timing of injury
  • Other locations of pain/Associated injuries
    • Often accompanied by fracture at the base of the 1st metacarpal
    • May co-occur with scaphoid, captitate, and trapezoid fracture
  • Numbness/tingling
  • Hand dominance
  • Profession


  • Swelling about the volar base of the thumb
  • Pain with palpation and axial loading of the first metacarpal
  • Poke holes or punctate wounds → open injuries
    • Dorsal wounds are commonly open fractures
      • Do not miss this; if seen, give IV cefazolin (2-3g) immediately

Motor Exam:
  • Median Nerve/ Anterior interosseous nerve (AIN)
    • Opposition of the thumb
      • Opponens innervated by the median nerve - helpful to assess if concern for acute carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Flexion of wrist, fingers, thumb
    • A-OK sign” = AIN
      • Tests flexion of thumb IP joint (FPL) and flexion of index DIP joint (FDP)
  • Radial nerve/ Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN)
    • Extension of wrist, fingers, thumb
    • “Thumbs up” = PIN
      • Tests extension of thumb IP and MCP joints (EPL))
      • Palm on flat surface and lifting/extending thumb off the surface is also a good test for PIN (tests extension of thumb MCP joint (EPL))
  • Ulnar nerve
    • Finger abduction (spread fingers, “peace sign”), finger adduction, cross fingers (“promise”)
Sensory Exam:
  • Median, Radial, Ulnar nerve distributions
    • Radial: Dorsal first web space
    • Median: Volar distal index finger
    • Ulnar: Volar distal small finger
    • Distal sensation on ulnar and radial sides of the affected ray
    • Two point discrimination
Vascular exam:
  • Radial artery, Ulnar artery
    • If having difficulty with palpation radial artery, find a doppler
    • Pulse decreased - Obtain noninvasive vascular imaging and consult vascular surgery if abnormal
  • Capillary refill to digits

  • Will likely be pain limited
  • Extension of DIPJ, PIPJ, MCPJ, Wrist
  • Flexion of the DIPJ, PIPJ, MCPJ, Wrist

  • Pronated PA/Lateral/Oblique of involved wrist and hand
    • Injuries rarely happen in isolation, be aware of other potential carpal bone injury
  • CT scan
    • Helpful to delineate multiple carpal bone injuries
    • Helpful for comminuted, intraarticular fracture patterns
  • MRI - rarely needed in the ED
    • Can be useful if there is questions about wrist instability
    • Orthopaedics to order if need be

     Medical Decision Making

Closed trapezium fracture :
*** is a *** y/o ***-hand dominant ***M/F with hx of *** who presents with an injury to the ***R/L hand which occurred while mechanism***, found to have a closed trapezium fracture. On exam, the patient is neurovascularly intact with well perfused digits. The injury was closed with no poke holes or punctate wounds. Radiographs reveal ***. The fracture was immobilized in a thumb spica splint. The patient will follow up in a hand clinic within one week.
Open trapezium fracture :
*** is a *** y/o ***-hand dominant ***M/F with hx of *** who presents with an injury to the ***R/L hand which occurred while mechanism***, found to have an open trapezium fracture. On exam, the patient is neurovascularly intact with well perfused digits. There was noted to be an open wound on the ***dorsal/volar aspect of the radial hand which probes to fracture. The patient was given an immediate dose of IV ancef (2/3g***). Radiographs reveal ***. Orthopaedics was consulted and the patient was made an NPO. The patient last ate ***. Orthopaedics to provide further recommendations.

Open fracture:
    • Consult hand surgery (plastics vs. orthopaedics) immediately
    • NPO, preop labs (type and screen, INR, aPTT, CBC, BMP)
    • Ensure IV cefazolin (2-3g) were given
      • Gustillo-Anderson chart for antibiotic type and dose
        • Depending on the size of the soft tissue defect may require gentamicin as well
    All other trapezium fractures:
    • Consult orthopaedic surgery immediately
    • NPO, preop labs
    All other isolated ulnar shaft fractures:
    • WB status: Non-weight-bearing injured hand; keep arm elevated
    • Diet: Regular
    • Analgesia: short course of narcotic pain medication, tylenol (scheduled)
      • Ex: 5mg oxycodone q4 - 15 pills
    • Immobilization
      • Thumb Spica
        • Maintain thumb in soda can holding position
    • Disposition: Home with follow up in orthopaedic surgery clinic in 1 week

Procedure Walkthroughs:

  1. Position: thumb in abduction as if holding a can of soda
  2. Apply soft padding liberally over the thumb, wrist, and distal forearm
  3. Split the plaster/orthoglass longitudinal with its length on one side
  4. After wetting, use the split end to cocoon the first ray with the hand in the position as if holding a can of soda
  5. Make sure to keep plaster/Ortho-Glass off skin

Procedure Notes:

PROCEDURE NOTE Closed treatment of carpal bone fracture (excluding carpal scaphoid [navicular]); without manipulation, each bone

PRE-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: fracture of the ***R/L trapezium




NAME OF PROCEDURE: Closed treatment of carpal bone fracture (excluding carpal scaphoid [navicular]); without manipulation, each bone

The risks and benefits of the procedure were discussed at length with the patient. Risks discussed included but were not limited to post-procedural pain, stiffness, numbness, and tingling. Following informed verbal consent after discussion of risks and benefits, the patient agreed to proceed with the procedure. A timeout was performed.

A well-padded thumb spica splint was applied to the injured hand. The patient's neurovascular status was consistent with baseline.


DISPOSITION:Discharged home with follow up with orthopaedic surgery in 1 week for repeat evaluation

Common ICD-10 Codes Brief Description
S62.17** Fracture of trapezium [larger multangular]
S62.171* Displaced, right
S62.172* Displaced, left
S62.174* Nondisplaced, right
S62.175* Nondisplaced, left